Wire drawing die working machinery, wire drawing die-tools for the international wire- and cable industry.

Short introduction (PDF)

Eder technological advantages (PDF)

EDER Engineering-Austria with over 70 years of experience and 99% rate of exportation is a worldwide acknowledged specialist and leader in the field of advanced drawing die-tools, die processing technology and equipment and such a "global player" in supplying the following products to the international wire- and cable industry:

  • Wire drawing die-tools made from tungsten carbide, natural diamond and synth. PCD.
  • Die-Tool processing machines for the repair and/or production of these ultrahard precision tools (standard, semi-automatic and fully automatic conceptions).
  • Die Workshop Ancillary equipment (e.g. inspection- and measuring, die-cleaning devices etc.)
  • Technical Assistance (Installation, Training,Know How)
  • Die-Tool working materials/consumbles (e.g. diamond powders, -pastes,
    -compounds, -suspensions, -grinding pins).

The nowadays production scope of EDER Engineering-Austria covers about 80% machines, 10% special drawing die-tools and 10% software (technical assistance). These advanced products are being currently supplied to the international wire- and cable industry in over 80 countries worldwide and in state-of-the-art technology . EDER is also regularly participating in all important technical international exhibitions and symposia in Europe, Northern America and Asia. Over 50 representations worldwide are standing by to assist our international customers whenever required.

If you have a question, we have the answer.
Don´t take risks, consult THE specialist:


Eder Engineering GmbH

Peter-Jordan-Strasse 12/3
A-1190 Wien,

Phone: +43 (1) 367 49 49-13
Fax: +43 (1) 367 49 49-49

Mail: office@eder-eng.com
Homepage: www.eder-eng.com

Only good die-tools draw good wire.